Research Publications
The HCTS is responsible for two cutting-edge publication series in Open Access: “The Journal for Transcultural Studies” and the book series “Heidelberg Studies on Transculturality”. They are hosted by the university's publishing platform, heiUP. Both formats were set up as pilot projects for the Open Access strategy of the university in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and have from the beginning received a wide, international recognition in the academic community.

The Journal of Transcultural Studies
When the first issue of the Journal of Transcultural Studies was launched in 2010, it was the first Open Access Gold Journal in the Humanities at Heidelberg University. Since then it attracts excellent contributors and a large readership alike.
Book Series
The Open Access book series Heidelberg Studies on Transculturality features research results that reflect the institute's aim of exploring the specific dynamics of transcultural interactions. The series includes works which strengthen this dialog both within and across disciplines.
Transcultural Research (Springer Publishing)
The Cluster of Excellence founded a book series with Springer Publishing titled Transcultural Research. A total of 13 books appeared in the series and are now available for a free download (PDF).