Assistant Professor Buddhist Studies Dr. Rafal Felbur
Contact Information
Dr. Rafal Felbur
Karl Jaspers Centre
Voßstraße 2, Building 4400
Room 400.01.24
69115 Heidelberg
+49 (0) 6221 54 4003

My scholarly interests focus on the intellectual, cultural, and social dynamics of the encounter between India and China in the first millennium CE. This encounter was arguably one of most extensive, complex, and consequential processes of cross-cultural interaction and transcultural formation in premodern times. It profoundly and enduringly impacted the Sinitic world on every level, from that of material practice and everyday ritual, through language and literature, economy and political organization, to cosmological conceptions of individual and collective meaning. In my scholarship I focus primarily on the textual evidence for these historical processes—translations of Indic Buddhist texts into Chinese, commentaries, bibliographic works, indigenous polemical and exegetical tracts, and official documents—all of which testify to the activity on Chinese soil of the Buddhist monk and nun: at times maligned, at times extolled, but, despite the ideal of monastic withdrawal, never idle. While new source materials continue to be identified, mainly in the collections from Dunhuang, the availability of novel digital tools and methods means that documents long known to scholarship can now be reexamined in a fresh light, an approach I apply in my work. At HCTS I teach thematic courses on various aspects of Buddhism between India and China, as well as reading seminars on primary materials.
Curriculum Vitae
2022- Wissenschaftlicher Assistent to the Chair of Buddhist Studies, Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University.
2019-2022 Postdoctoral research fellow at Leiden Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University. Core member of European Research Council project “Open Philology: the Composition of Buddhist Scriptures”
2018 PhD, Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University. Dissertation Title: “Anxiety of Emptiness: Selfhood and Scripture in Early Medieval Sinitic Buddhism.” Dissertation Advisers: Paul Harrison, John Kieschnick, Stefano Zacchetti.
2007 MA cum laude in Chinese Languages and Cultures, Leiden University.
2006 Master’s Degree in Sinology, Warsaw University.
Latest Publications
Ratnakūṭa Studies I. Buddhist Open Philology Project, Volume 1. Editor. In print with Brill Publishers.
Saving the Buddhadharma from Itself: A Bilingual Synoptic Critical Edition, Translation, and Study of Sūrata-paripṛcchā Texts. Monograph. Brill Publishers. Forthcoming in 2025. 600 pp.
“Viśeṣavatīdhāraṇī.” Forthcoming in Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection (Vol. V), gen. ed. Jens Braarvig. With Paul Harrison and Simon Wiles. 28 pp.
“Crosslinguistic Semantic Textual Similarity of Buddhist Chinese and Classical Tibetan.” With Marieke Meelen and Paul Vierthaler. Journal of Open Humanities Data, 8(1): 23, 2022, pp. 1–14. DOI:
Review of The Zhengzheng lun by Xuanyi. A Buddhist Apologetic Scripture of Tang China, by Thomas Jülch. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series (Oxford and New York: Routledge, 2009). Bulletin of Oriental and African Studies 82.2, 2021. DOI:
“Kumārajīva. ‘Great Man’ and Cultural Event.” In Blackwell-Wiley Companion to World Literature, edited by Ken Seigneurie, et alii. 2020, 12 pp.
Treatises of Sengzhao (Zhaolun 肇論). Translation of T.1858, with Notes and Introduction. In Three Short Treatises (Berkeley: Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai English Tripiṭaka Project), 2018, 50—140.
“Vimalakīrtinirdeśa.” In Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism, edited by Johnathan Silk, Vincent Eltschinger, and Oskar von Hinüber. 2015, 9 pp.
“Sūtra Commentaries in Chinese until the Tang.” In Brill Encyclopedia of Buddhism, edited by Johnathan Silk, Vincent Eltschinger, and Oskar von Hinüber. Co-authored with Hiroshi Kanno. 2015, 16 pp.
Awards and Honours
2016-2017 Chinese Institute for Buddhist Studies (CHIBS) Fellowship.
2015-2016 Mellon Foundation Dissertation Fellowship.
2014-2015 Freeman-Spogli Dissertation Grant in Chinese Studies.
2013 Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fellowship. Academia Sinica Fellowship for Doctoral Candidates (declined).
Memberships and Other Functions
American Academy of Religion.
Association of Asian Studies.
International Association for Buddhist Studies.
European Association for Chinese Philosophy.
European Academy of Religion.