Coordinator Heidelberg Research Architecture Matthias Arnold
Matthias Arnold coordinates the Heidelberg Research Architecture, the Digital Humanities Unit at the Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies. He provides consultation about many aspects of digital research projects, like data organisation and structuring, conceptualisation of databases, research data publication, application of the FAIR principles, and data preservation. He accompanies researchers and projects from the conception phase throughout the entire research project up to sustaining research data outcome. He supervised a number of large database projects, for example "Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO)", which also experiments with the automatic generation of full text from Republican China newspapers. Other important database projects include "Chinese Women's Magazines of the Late Qing and Early Republican Period", "Priya Paul Collection", “The Abou Naddara Collection”, and "Turkology Annual Online". Besides HCTS, he is working in the NFDI4Culture task area „Data publication and data availability” at Heidelberg University Library.

Contact Information
Matthias Arnold
Karl Jaspers Centre
Voßstraße 2, Building 4400
Room 400.00.05B
69115 Heidelberg
+49 (0) 6221 54 4094
Office hours: Thursdays. Please make an appointment via e-mail.
Curriculum Vitae
2018– Heidelberg Research Architecture, Coordinator (Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies, Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies)
2008–2017 Heidelberg Research Architecture, Visual resources (Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”)
2002 Magister East Asian Art History, Classical Chinese, European Art History
until 2002 Studies at Universities Halle/Saale, Berlin, Taipeh, and Heidelberg
latest publications
Henke, Konstantin, and Matthias Arnold. “Language Model Assisted OCR Classification for Republican Chinese Newspaper Text” (以語言模型輔助民國報紙文本的光學字元辨識分類). Journal of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities (數位典藏與數位人文), no. 12 (1 October 2023): 1-19.
Arnold, Matthias, Duncan Paterson, and Jia Xie. “Procedural Challenges: Machine Learning Tasks for OCR of Historical CJK Newspapers.” International Journal of Digital Humanities, Special Issue on Digital Humanities and East Asian Studies, 4 (2023): 147–70.
Heseler, Jörg, Alexandra Büttner, and Matthias Arnold (2023). Grundlagen der digitalen Langzeitarchivierung. Eine Handreichung zur digitalen Langzeitarchivierung aus Perspektive der NFDI4Culture Community. NFDI4Culture.
Arnold, Matthias. “Multilingual Research Projects: Non-Latin Script Challenges for Making Use of Standards, Authority Files, and Character Recognition.” Digital Studies / Le Champ Numérique 12, no. 1 (September 28, 2022).