Associate Professor of Anthropology PD Dr. Carsten Wergin
Contact Information
PD Dr. Carsten Wergin
Karl Jaspers Centre
Voßstraße 2, Building 4400
Room 400.02.04
69115 Heidelberg
+49 (0) 6221 54 4002

Carsten Wergin is a social anthropologist working at the intersections of heritage, culture and ecology, with regional foci in Europe and the Indo-Pacific. He trained at Goldsmiths College and the University of Bremen, and after spending a few years at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) he joined Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg in 2014. For his PhD, he conducted fieldwork within the transcultural music scene of the French Overseas-Department La Réunion. His habilitation is based on a longterm ethnographic study of a conflict over the construction of a $45 billion AUS-Dollar Liquefied Natural Gas Facility (LNG) on sacred Indigenous land in Northwest Australia. Carsten Wergin has held honorary fellowships at UNSW and the Australian National University (ANU), and he functions as the chairperson of the German Association for Australian Studies (GASt) and as vice-president (membership) of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS).
Curriculum Vitae (Excerpt)
2019 – Associate Professor of Anthropology, Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg.
2014 – 2019 Junior Research Group Leader “The Transcultural Heritage of Northwest Australia”, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg.
2011 – 2014 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Social Policy Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, Sydney.
2008 – 2011 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Graduate School “Society and Culture in Motion”, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.
Selected Publications
2023 Tourism, Indigeneity, and the Importance of Place: Fighting for Heritage at Australia’s Last Frontier (Anthropology of Tourism: Heritage, Mobility and Society Series) Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
2018 Der Ruf des Schneckenhorns: Hermann Klaatsch (1863 – 1916): Ein Heidelberger Wissenschaftler in Nordwestaustralien. Heidelberg: heiBOOKS (with Corinna Erckenbrecht).
2010 Kréol Blouz: Musikalische Inszenierungen von Identität und Kultur (with CD). Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau.
Edited Volumes
2024 Digitising Heritage: Transoceanic Connections between Australia and Europe. Heidelberg: HeiUP (with Stefanie Affeldt).
2014 Materialities of Tourism. Tourist Studies 14(3) (Special Issue, with Stephen Muecke).
2013 Musical Performance and the Changing City: Post-Industrial Contexts in Europe and the United States. New York: Routledge (with Fabian Holt).
Journal Articles
2023 From Transculture to Transecology. Coming to Terms with Multispecies Conviviality in the Education for Sustainable Development. heiEDUCATION Journal 9 | 2023: 83–95.
2022 All Landscape is Collaborative: Re-Mobilizing Care and Concern on a Damaged Planet. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 35(3): 445-459.
2021 Healing through Heritage? The Repatriation of Human Remains from European Collections as Potential Sites of Reconciliation. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 30/1: 123-133.
Contributions to Edited Volumes
2021 Understanding Multispecies Mobilities: From Mosquito Eradication to Coexistence, in: M. Hall and D. Tamir (eds.) Mosquitopia: The Place of Pests in a Healthy World. London, New York: Routledge, pp. 33-46. (with U. Beisel)
2021 Responsibility = Ownership? An Ethnographic Moment in Native Title, in: Geoff Rodoreda und Eva Bischoff (eds.) Mabo's Cultural Legacy. History, Literature, Film and Cultural Practice in Contemporary Australia. London: Anthem Press, pp. 47-58.
2020 Von der Batarsité zum Welterbe: Die Maloya-Musik der Insel La Réunion, in: Christofer Jost und Gerd Sebald (eds.) Musik – Kultur – Gedächtnis: Theoretische und analytische Annäherungen an ein Forschungsfeld zwischen den Disziplinen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 278-297.
Awards and Honours
2023 Inaugural AuSI / HRC Visiting Fellow, Australian National University (ANU).
2018 Senior Visiting Fellow, University of New South Wales (UNSW).
2011 Marie Skłodowska-Curie International Outgoing Fellow, 7th Framework Programme, European Commission.
2009 Dissertation Price, Mariann Steegmann Foundation.
2007 Young Scholars Award, European Science Foundation.
Memberships and other Functions
Chairperson of the German Association for Australian Studies (GASt)
Vice-President (membership) of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS)
Further Memberships
European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)
German Association for Social and Cultural Anthropology (GASCA)
Frobenius Institute for Cultural Anthropology, Frankfurt
Heidelberg Centre for the Environment (HCE)
Petrocultures Research Group (
Current Projects
Carsten Wergin is a Principal Investigator (PI) in Shaping Access, an interdisciplinary research project on the handling of human remains in collections of the Ethnographic Museum vPST and Heidelberg University (FITCH, Research Tandems). He is also a PI in the international research project Mobile Mosquitoes, which develops a transdisciplinary global health perspective on the entangled mobilities of Aedes mosquitoes and humans, with contributions from cultural anthropologists, human geographers and entomologists based in India, Mexico, Tanzania and Germany (Volkswagen Foundation, Grant Number 9B366).