Assistant Professor Intellectual History Dr. Martin Hofmann
Contact Information
Karl Jaspers Centre
Voßstraße 2, Building 4400
Room 400.01.17
69115 Heidelberg
+49 (0) 6221 54 4383

Curriculum Vitae (Excerpt)
2009– Assistant Professor for Intellectual History, Heidelberg University
2017 Visiting Professor for Classical Sinology, Heidelberg University
2014–2016 Visiting Professor for Society and Culture of Modern China, Leipzig University
2014 Guest Researcher, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2013–2014 Guest Researcher, Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, UK
2009 Postdoc-Fellowship, Cluster of Excellence “Asia & Europe”, Heidelberg University
2007–2009 Postdoc-Fellowship, Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
2007–2008 Assistant Professor, Institute for East Asian Studies, Leipzig University
2007 Guest Researcher, Institute for the History of Natural Science, Beijing, VR China
2001–2007 Research Assistant, Institute for Cultural Studies of East and South Asia, Würzburg University
2005 Visiting Fellow, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, USA
Selected Publications
“Three Visions of the Realm in Southern Song Debates on the Spatial Order of Antiquity.“ Journal of Song-Yuan Studies 52 (2023), 31–65.
Wissensorte in China. Co-edited with Joachim Kurtz. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2023.
“Vom Laien zum Leiher. Ausbildung und Wissenstransfer in spätkaiserlichen Pfandleihhäusern.“ In: Wissensorte in China, 135–163.
Powerful Arguments: Standards of Validity in Late Imperial China. Co-edited with Joachim Kurtz and Ari Daniel Levine. Leiden: Brill, 2020.
„The Persuasive Power of Tu: A Case Study on Commentaries to the Book of Documents.“ In: Powerful Arguments: Standards of Validity in Late Imperial China, 177–233.
“The Research Agenda of Zhu Qiqian: A Reframing of Traditional Chinese Craftsmanship.” East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine 51/52 (2020), 91–136.
“Mapping Continents, Inhabited Quarters and The Four Seas. Divisions of the World and the Ordering of Spaces in Latin-Christian, Arabic-Islamic and Chinese Cartography in the Twelfth to Sixteenth Centuries. A Critical Survey and Analysis,“ (co-authored with Christoph Mauntel, Klaus Oschema, Jean-Charles Ducène). Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies 5.2 (2018), 295–367.
“Das Westmeer als Grenze – Zum Kontext der kartographischen Darstellung in Cao Erchengs Yugong zhengyi aus der frühen Qing-Zeit.“ In: Roland Altenburger, Esther Bentmann (eds.): Raum und Grenze in den China-Studien. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2016, 19–37.
“以地图探讨古弱水的流域 [Explanations on the course of the Ruoshui with help of maps].“ In: Hua Linfu 华林甫 (ed.): 《清史地理研究》第二集 [Research on Geography in the Qing Dynasty, Vol. 2] Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2016, 324–343.
Tradition? Variation? Plagiat? Motive und ihre Adaption in China. Co-edited with Lena Henningsen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012.