Professor of Buddhist Studies Prof. Dr. Michael Radich
Contact Information
Prof. Dr. Michael Radich
Karl Jaspers Centre
Voßstraße 2, Building 4400
Room 400.01.15
69115 Heidelberg
+49 (0) 6221 54 4301
Please contact Petra Kourschil for an appointment:

Curriculum Vitae (Excerpt)
2018– Professor of Buddhist Studies, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context", University of Heidelberg
2005–2017 Associate Professor in Religious Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, School of Art History, Classics and Religious Studies
2015 Alexander Von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, University of Hamburg Numata Center for Buddhist Studies
2013–2014 Numata Visiting Professorship in Buddhist Studies, University of Hamburg Numata Center for Buddhist Studies
2009 Visiting Associate Professor, Kyoto University Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies
2007 PhD, East Asian Languages and Civilizations (Harvard)
1995 MA, Chinese Studies (Auckland)
1989 BMus, Composition (Auckland)
Selected Publications
Radich, Michael. The Mahāparinirvāṇa-mahāsūtra and the Emergence of Tathāgatagarbha Doctrine. Hamburg Buddhist Studies 5. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, 2015.
Radich, Michael. How Ajātaśatru Was Reformed: The Domestication of “Ajase” and Stories in Buddhist History. Studia Philologica Buddhica Monograph Series XXVII. Tokyo: The International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 2011.
Radich, Michael, and Rong Zhao, eds. Buddhist Stone Sutras in China. Shaanxi Province, Volume 2. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag/Hangzhou: China Academy of Art Press, 2024.
Silk, Jonathan A., editor-in chief. Richard Bowring, Vincent Eltschinger, and Michael Radich, editors. Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Volume II: Lives. Leiden, Brill, 2019.
Lin, Chen-kuo and Michael Radich, eds. A Distant Mirror: Articulating Indic Ideas in Sixth and Seventh Century Chinese Buddhism. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, 2014.
Radich, Michael, trans. Shingu, Kazushige, Being Irrational: Lacan, the Objet a, and the Golden Mean. Tokyo: Gakuju Shoin, 2004. (Book-length translation from Japanese.)
Radich, Michael. "Two Ways of Sitting." In Buddhakṣetrapariśodhana: A Festschrift for Paul Harrison, edited by Charles DiSimone and Nicholas Witkowski, 419–440. Indica et Tibetica 63. Marburg: Indica et Tibetica Verlag, 2024.
Radich, Michael. "Xuanzang's Rājāvavādaka-sūtra." In Buddhist Stone Sutras in China. Shaanxi Province, Volume 2, edited by Michael Radich and Rong Zhao, 73–84. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag/Hangzhou: China Academy of Art Press, 2024.
Radich, Michael, and Jamie Norrish. “What Happened to the Ekottarikāgama 增壹阿含經 T125 after the Death of Dao’an?” International Journal of Asian Studies (2025): 1–41.
Lin, Qian and Michael Radich. "Notes on the Fo yi jing 佛醫經 T793." Journal of the American Oriental Society 143, no. 4 (2023): 881–902.
Lin Qian and Michael Radich. “A Computer-assisted Analysis of Zhu Fonian’s Original Mahāyāna Sutras.” Buddhist Studies Review 38, no. 2 (2021): 145-168.
Awards and Honours
2015 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship for Advanced Researchers
2006 VUW Contestable Research Grant for two weeks' travel to Kyōto to collect materials for Paramārtha research project, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington
2000–2005 Departmental Fellowship, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University
2003 (Spring) CUE (Bok Center) Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard University
1995 University of Auckland Masters Scholarship
International Association of Buddhist Studies
Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyūkai 印度学佛教学研究会 (Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies)
Society for the Study of Chinese Religions
New Zealand Asian Studies Society
Australasian Association of Buddhist Studies
Memberships and Other Functions
2024– Director, Buddhist Stone Inscriptions in Northern China, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences
2015– Member, Board of Consulting Editors, Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies,
2015– Member, Advisory Board, Oxford Translations of Chinese Thought Series
2012– Member, Editorial Board, Singaporean Journal of Buddhist Studies
2012– Member, Executive Committee, Australasian Association of Buddhist Studies
2014 Member of External Review Board, Theology and Religious Studies, University of Otago
2009–2012 Treasurer, New Zealand Asian Studies Society
International Research Collaborations
2014–2017 “The Encounter of Chinese Buddhists with Indian Yogācāra Texts: A Comparative Study of Indian and Chinese Commentaries on Vasubandhu's Twenty Verses (Viṃśikā).” Led by Prof. Lin Chen-kuo (Chengchi U., Taipei). NT$2,689,080 (US$88,912). Funded by the Sheng Yen Education Foundation. Four scholars
2011–2013 “Negotiating Modernity: Buddhism between Tibet and China.” Led by Profs. John Makeham (ANU), John Powers (ANU) and Jay Garfield (Smith/ Melbourne). AU$540,000 spread over three years. Funded by the Australian Research Council. Fourteen scholars (Withdrew)
2010–2012 “Indian Buddhist Thought in Sixth and Seventh Century China.” Led by Prof. Lin Chen-kuo, Chengchi University, Taipei. Funded by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation. Approx. fifteen scholars
2006–2011 “Paramartha and His Times.” Led by Prof. Funayama Tōru, Kyoto University. 29 scholars